A big part of working remotely is trying to ensure that the company keeps employees connected, and the connective tissue of the company intact.

This is hard! Some employees want to stay 100% remote, others want to come in a few days a week, and then there are those who want to work in the office, given that there are safe spaces.

Pre-Covid most employees had some sort of sight line to their clients. Even if they didn’t interact with them directly they had regular conversations with customer-facing teammates. When the organization talked about ‘customers’ everyone was clear on who they were and what they needed.

When the pandemic hit, people rallied and the top priority was keeping the business afloat, so teams leaned into taking care of customers. However, as time marched on, non-customer-facing teams started to lose their connection to their clients and water cooler conversations stopped. They weren’t running into a sales rep or sitting next to a customer success agent.

Internal teams are more likely to focus on their own metrics and agendas, and this puts the organization at risk for silos. In the long term, without a clear line of sight to customers a company risks being out-innovated and losing its way.

Leaders should be intentional about bringing customers to life. This enables great engagement which creates bolder innovation and faster and more lasting growth.

Here is the link to the customer blueprint in the image above. Use it to gain a better understanding of your customer persona. Then go out there and talking about your specific customers, in real-life terms, and the impact you’re having on them.

And remember…without your customers you’re just a product looking for a home!