Articles / Management
Conversations to really connect with your team when Working From Home (WFH)
In the absence of information, your team members feel left out and often go to the ‘dark side’. Over-communicating and make sure they know they’re being heard will go a long way to keeping them engaged.
Eight trends that all tech firms need to consider
Changes in social and technology shifts are moving quickly. Here are eight trends that we need to consider.
Communicating Through Covid 19
In a conversation, especially in a time of anxiety such as this pandemic, a clear and open line of communication does wonders for how your people feel by the end of your one-on-one sessions.
A blueprint to help you have truly ‘open’ conversations with your team
As a leader, if you want to build a strong relationship with your team then you have to make sure they really understand what you need and what your style is. This Blueprint will do just that.
Find Out Why Your Star Employee(s) Really Quit
The vast majority of companies would love to find out the real reasons why these stars leave, yet few actually make a concerted effort to dig into the underlying causes of dissatisfaction beyond the standard exit interview. When this relationship ends most employees simply clam up for fear of burning bridges and believe that, oftentimes, little will actually change. So, here are some suggestions to help you dig into the real reasons they left you.
Show how you can stand out in a crowd!
Knowing what you’ve accomplished, and what makes you special in the context of what’s important to your boss (or the marketplace), makes all the difference in the world when it comes to your career.
What Kind of Compensation is Just Right?
In the early stages of a technology company’s life, the founder usually pays him/herself whatever the company can afford and pays the employees as little as they possibly can. As the company...
10 Things You Should Know About Every Candidate by the End of an Interview
Interviewing candidates, and trying to understand if they properly fit the position and your culture, is one of your most critical tasks as a leader. The fact is that people spend way too much time...
Should employees be interviewing a potential new Boss?
When you’re looking to hire a new leader for a team, should you let the employees interview their potential new boss and weigh in on the decision? If you think employees should be allowed to...